2500 Indian defence related patents have been registered since 2018
2500 Indian defence related patents have been registered since 2018

The work towards indigenisation and innovation into the defence manufacturing is bearing results with the number of patent applications filed particularly in areas of design in the recent years crossing the numbers of the same filed till four years back.

The new Make in India in defence as part of Atmanirbhar (self-reliant) Bharat policy is particularly strong on design. In fact, because of the indigenous technology development efforts, more than 2500 number of patent applications have been filed during the last four years in comparison to 1700 number of cumulative applications filed from inception till then.


Such efforts are likely to have huge impact on development of defence platforms to meet the growing and futuristic requirement of our Armed Forces, the source added. Not only has there been a push towards innovation with tie ups with Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs) and other academic institutions, provisions have also been made in the budgetary allocation towards research and development.

Beginning with the financial year 2022-23 the Defence R&D has been opened up for industry, startups and academia with 25 per cent of defence R&D budget earmarked. Private industry will be encouraged to take up design and development of military platforms and equipment in collaboration with DRDO and other organisations through SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) model. An independent nodal umbrella body will be set up for meeting wide ranging testing and certification requirements.

The new Make in India in defence as part of Atmanirbhar (self-reliant) Bharat policy is particularly strong on design. In fact, because of the indigenous technology development efforts, more than 2500 number of patent applications have been filed during the last four years in comparison to 1700 number of cumulative applications filed from inception till then.