Home National Security

National Security

National Security covers higher defence organisational matters, defence policy, force structure, national security doctrine, nucler issues, and so on.

Schematic pathways - first, second and third generation ethanol production

Global Bio-Fuel Alliance – G-20 Summit New Delhi

Introduction With population of India touching 140 billion and having undergone a rapid and sustained economic expansion in the last 10 years, demand for energy...
Layout of the pilot project conceptualised by NTPC REL to produce power through solar energy. A part of solar energy will be used to break water into hydrogen and oxygen and hydrogen will be compressed and stored in cylinders.

Green Hydrogen – Transformative Fuel For The Future

Introduction In the visionary words of the Indian Prime Minister spoken from the ramparts of Red Fort on 15 Aug 2021, ‘Not only will Green...
Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality and Data (Part 1)

A National Security Perspective Virtual Reality (VR), often projected as a future state of current tech improvisation, is, on the contrary, one of the earliest...
Oxford Analytica, founded in 1975 by David Young, an American employee of the National Security Council, provides strategic analysis of world events

Boardroom Spymaster

Countering Private Intelligence Companies Archisman Goswami Once more, as in centuries past, wars are rather easily started and then fought without perceptible restraint – remarked noted...
Anti-India Forces at Work

Anti-India Forces at Work

With Prosperity Comes Rivalry A range of actors are working to undermine India's unity and integrity. These forces include foreign governments and organizations that support...
Convicted Chinese spies, from top left Edward Xuehua, Stephen Su, Xiaoqing Zheng, bottom Xu Yanjun, Jun Wei Yeo

Proven Cases of Espionage in the US

READ ALSO: Chinese Espionage Operations and Tactics – Part 1 Chinese Espionage Operations and Tactics – Part 2 Case of Edward Peng Xuehua Edward Peng Xuehua's case exposed...
NSA Ajit Doval with NSAs of Central Asian Republics at New Delhi on 6 Dec 2022

Series of CT Summits Held in Nov 22-Jan 23

India Places High Priority to Counter-Terrorism India-Central Asia Meeting of NSAs At the first India-Central Asia meeting of NSAs/secretaries of security councils, involving Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,...
Peng Cheng Laboratory Cyber Range

Peng Cheng Laboratory

One Among 19 Cyber Ranges in China With government funding, massive computational capacity, and ties to the military, Peng Cheng Lab is likely to be...
Guiyang National Big Data Cyber Range

China’s Cyber Ranges for Attack and Defence

State, PLA and Private Companies’ Collaboration China is rapidly building cyber ranges that allow cybersecurity teams to test new tools, practice attack and defence, and...
Cybersecurity Incidents in India 2017-21

Cyber Year in Review

What to Expect in 2023? India, US, Indonesia, and China accounted for 45% of total cyberattacks on government agencies worldwide in the second half of...

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