Pakistan’s Lies Nailed at the UN Security Council
Pakistan’s Lies Nailed at the UN Security Council

Isolated at the UN, Pakistan faked a speech to the Security Council posting it on the website of its permanent mission pretending it was delivered even though its Ambassador did not speak at the session on terrorism. Introducing fake elements at the UN is an old tactic for Pakistan.

Pakistan was not on the list of speakers circulated for the virtual meeting held online, on 24 August, nor did its Permanent Representative Munir Akram figure on the video of the meeting.


Unable to rally support for its campaign against India at the UN, Islamabad appeared to have resorted to creating a false record for the Security Council.

In fact, the German mission to the UN put out a picture of the meet which did not figure Pakistani envoy. German is a non-permanent member of the UNSC.

Akram’s fake speech that was also circulate through Twitter said that the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan and the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar were backed by an “Indian terror syndicate” and New Delhi was using “mercenary terrorists”.

Pakistan’s Lie Nailed

India’s UN mission said: “We fail to comprehend where exactly did the permanent representative of Pakistan make his statement since the Security Council Session today was not open to non-members.” Referring to the allegations against India in the fake speech that wasn’t, the statement said that “big lies of Pakistan lies exposed” and responded point by point.

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Coming from a country which is a known sponsor of cross-border terrorism that has made the world suffer due to its actions, the allegation that India has hired mercenary terrorists is “laughable” and “preposterous.” Akram’s fake speech listed four people it said were Indians and their names had been submitted for being included in the list of international terrorists under UN sanctions.

The Indian mission said the list of the Security Council’s 1267 Committee, named for the resolution on sanctioning international terrorists, is public and does not include any Indians. The committee “works on the basis of evidence and not random accusations thrown in to divert their time and attention”, it added.

Even though the speech was not made at the UNSC by the Pakistani representative, India at UN still busted four other lies contained in the speech published by Pakistan.

Firstly, India has pointed out that Pakistan’s claims of being a target of cross-border terrorism is lie, as it is the biggest sponsor of cross-border terrorism against India. India also noted that Pakistan was the home to largest number of terrorists banned by the UN.

Secondly, the claim that Pakistan has decimated Al Qaeda from the region was also a lie.

The third lie was Pakistan’s ‘laughable claim that India has hired terrorist as mercenaries to hit them.’

The fourth Pakistani lie countered by India was their ‘ridiculous assertions about internal affairs in India.’ In the ‘speech’, Pakistan had alleged that “BJP rulers have arbitrarily stripped two million Muslims and Christians in Assam of their Indian nationality.” They have also alleged BJP and RSS of spreading “Hindutva terrorism”. To all this, India reminded them that the minority population has dropped drastically from 1947, and today it is just about 3%.

Imran Khan’s Speech

Imran Khan singled out India in his UNGA speech, on 25 September, by claiming that it was the only “one country” that “state sponsors Islamophobia”, rooted in “RSS ideology”. Khan went on to discuss the origins of the RSS in significant detail, claiming that the organisation was “inspired by the Nazis” and their “concepts of racial purity and supremacy”. “While the Nazis hate was directed at the Jews, the RSS directs it towards the Muslims and to a lesser extent towards the Christians,” Khan said.

Citing the examples of the demolition of the Babri Masjid and the burning of the Samjhota Express train, the RSS, Khan said, believes that India is “exclusive for Hindus and others are not equal citizens” and had engaged in the “cleansing” of “200 million Muslims and other minorities”.

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Khan also mentioned the NRC and CAA, particularly its impact in Assam, where “two million Muslims” were facing being stripped of their citizenship. “There are reports of large concentration camps being filled with by Muslim Indian citizens,” Khan said.

Khan briefly mentioned that Muslims were being “falsely blamed, vilified and victimised” for the spread of COVID-19 in reference to the Tablighi Jamaat and cow vigilantes. In what seems like a reference to the CAA and NRC,Khan called “mass registrations” a “precursor to genocide” and equated it with Germany in 1935 during the implementation of the Nuremberg Laws and the implementation of Myanmar’s citizenship laws in 1982. Khan added that “Hindutva ideology…does not augur well for the future of India”.

Last in its attacks against India was the issue of Kashmir, particularly the abrogation of Article 370. Khan accused India of “upping the military ante” against Pakistan to divert attention from Jammu and Kashmir. 

India’s Reply

In exercising India’s ‘Right of Reply’ to Pakistan prime minister Imran Khan’s remarks during the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) debate on 25 September, First Secretary MijitoVinito called Khan’s remarks “an incessant rant”.

The response said Khan had “no reasonable suggestion to offer the world” and his speech was about “lies, misinformation, war mongering and malice.”

“The words used today at this great Assembly by the leader of Pakistan demean the very essence of the United Nations. For a nation that is deeply buried in medievalism, it is understandable that the tenets of a modern civilized society such as peace, dialogue and diplomacy are farfetched,” Vinito said.

Vinito had left the General Assembly hall as Khan’s video address began, as a gesture of India’s protestations against it. “Let me assert here loud and clear. The Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir is an integral and inalienable part of India. The rules and legislations brought in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir are strictly internal affairs of India,” Vinito said in India’s reply address.

 “The only dispute left in Kashmir relates to that part of Kashmir that is still under illegal occupation of Pakistan. We call upon Pakistan to vacate all those areas that it is in illegal occupation of.”

“This is the country that has systematically cleansed its minorities including Hindus, Christians, Sikhs and others, through the abuse of its blasphemy laws and through forced religious conversions,” Vinito said.

The Indian diplomat also highlighted the Pakistan deep state’s “unrelenting political and financial support” to terror organizations. He also referred to Khan referring to 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden a martyr earlier in 2020.