Astra BVR air-to-air missile
Astra BVR air-to-air missile

India’s latest Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air missile Astra Mk II is all set to move out of the drawing board as the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is ready for its first developmental trial.

The indigenously developed missile will be flight tested from a ground launcher being set up at launching complex III of Integrated Test Range (ITR) off Odisha coast.  The initial trials of the successor of Astra Mk I will be to test the weapon system’s ballistic performance. Once the safe release of the missile from the ground launcher and its propulsion and navigation are validated, it would be test fired from a fighter aircraft.


The go ahead for Astra Mk II was given nearly seven months after the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) approved the procurement of Astra Mk I for the Indian Air Force (IAF) and Navy.

While the previous version of Astra missile has a range of about 110 km, its advanced variant can strike targets 160 km away. Equipped with improved jammer resistance and dual pulse motor having thrust vector control, the Astra Mk II is latest among the air-to-air missiles of its class. The DRDO has developed an indigenous seeker to improve the performance of the missile and replace the Russian radio frequency seeker used in the Astra Mk I. 

The missile will be powered by Solid Fuel Ducted Ramjet (SFDR), which will enhance its performance and increase the strike range. Procurement of Astra Mk I for the IAF was approved after it completed ground tests and air trial from a Sukhoi 30 MKI aircraft. Process is on to integrate the missile with the Made in India Tejas fighter jet.