IRAN-ISRAEL-Israel’s Air Defence System
Israel confirmed the use of its David's Sling air-defense system to intercept a Hamas rocket on 7 October, marking the first time since it...
IRAN-ISRAEL – An Analysis of Israel’s Response
The US Central Command Chief General Korilla was present in Israel to coordinate their defensive measures. The main Israeli air bases were already networked...
EDITORIAL – Lessons Form the Israel-Iran
Change in Israeli Strategy
Lessons Form the Israel-Iran, Ever since the revolution in 1979, there has been a significant shift in Iran's foreign policy, and...
IRAN-ISRAEL – An Analysis of Iran’s Strike
There has been a paradigm shift in the power balance in the Middle East which will have long term implications for that region. So...
IRAN-ISRAEL-Iron Dome Operational Performance
On October 7, Hamas militants launched a barrage of rockets from the blockaded Gaza Strip towards Israel as part of a surprise attack that...
ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR – Hamas Leadership, Setup and Capabilities
Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist militant group that has been fighting against Israel since its founding in 1987. Hamas has a political and a...
ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR – Hamas Ideology and Gaza Politics
Hamas, militant Palestinian nationalist and Islamist movement in the West Bank and Gaza Strip that is dedicated to the establishment of an independent Islamic...
ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR – What led up to the October 7 Massacre
In 1948 the State of Israel was created on land inhabited by both Jews and Arab Palestinians. Hostilities between the two communities that year...
ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR – Israel’s Intelligence Failure
The deadly attack by Hamas on 7 October represents the greatest failure of Israeli intelligence in the country's 75-year history. At least 1,200 Israelis...
Iran–China 25-year Cooperation Programme
The Perfect Hedge – China’s Story
The signing of the Iran–China 25-year Cooperation Programme on 27 March 2021 in Tehran went, to a large degree,...