Our C4ISR articles include those related to Command, Communications, Control Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Recconnaissance. Threat monitoring & situational awareness relies heavily on Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) operations. Intelligence also includes HUMINT (Human Intelligence), GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence), SIGINT (Signals Intelligence), OSINT (Open Source Intelligence).

A truck-mounted part of Himshakti Integrated EW System (IEWS) developed by BEL

ELECTRONIC WARFARE – EW is a Crucial Op Requirement

Military operations are executed in an information environment increasingly complicated by the electromagnetic spectrum. Electronic warfare (EW) is going to play a crucial role...
communication networks

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – Communication Networks and Networking

Based on the Introductory Remarks made at Digitisation& Networking in the Armed Forces 2020 Webinar, 23 Nov 2020. As warfare evolved from the agrarian to...
The full potential of Cyber, Cloud, Internet of Things, Block Chain and Quantum Computing for the military is still unknown

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – Embrace Emerging Technologies and Integrate

Based on an Introductory Talk given at Digitisation & Networking Webinar organiased by IMR on 23 Nov 2020 The topic raises the question – How...
Space debris

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – Space Domination and Satellites

Based on the Introductory Remarks made at Digitisation & Networking in the Armed Forces 2020 Webinar, 23 Nov 2020. An American military commander said in...

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – State-of-the-Art C4ISR Systems are Required

Based on the Introductory Remarks made at Digitisation& Networking in the Armed Forces 2020 Webinar, 23 Nov 2020. C4ISR is a very long acronym -...
IAF Tableau Netcentric ops

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – Organisational Changes Required For NCW

Based on the Introductory Remarks made at Digitisation & Networking in the Armed Forces 2020 Webinar, 21 Nov 2020. The Indian Air Force has been...
layered networks

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – Imperatives For Network-centric Operations

We are into technology-based warfare. This has been dictated by the new possibilities that the new industrial age (Industry 4.0 - the information age)...
Integrated Air Command Control Communica ons System

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – Challenges of Digital Transformation

Restructuring of the Organisation is in Progress Warfare has evolved, through the ages in eras, which were defined by the predominance of attrition and manoeuvre...
Military and civil radars are being increasingly co-located in various parts of the country to provide seamless control of respec ve airspaces.

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – Domination of the Air Space

The need of the hour is to be strong. China respects strength and we are strong, but we need to look at the realities...
Gen Bipin Rawat, Chief of Defence Staff

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – Transformation For Future War

Gen BPS Rawat, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, YSM, SM, VSM, ADC Extracts of the Inaugural Address delivered by Gen Bipin Rawat, Chief of Defence Staff, at...

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