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Battlefield Management System

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Jensy Johny
Posts: 38
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Joined: 4 years ago

In Jul 2018, Ministry of Defence decided to shut down this revolutionary indigenous BMS project. The main reason given was shortage of funds to sustain such a costly programme. The Army decided to use the funds instead to procure more basic weapons like rifles and carbines. However, industry experts pointed out that the calculation of full programme cost based on prototype development costs was not appropriate. Large scale industrial production of the system would have decreased the cost to a large extent.

BMS is a third-generation warfare system, which is intended to be used at the level of battalion and below between commanders and individual soldiers or crew. For commanders, it is expected to assist them in exercising C2, quick dissemination of common tactical picture, quick reports to emerging situations, target acquisition, target engagement, avoidance of fratricide along with management of real time logistics. For a soldier, it is supposed to help him in achieving improved situational awareness by answering basic questions like where am I? Where are my assets/ buddy? What is their status? Where is the enemy?  What is the type of threat?  BMS is not meant to be just another communication system, but will provide commanders at all levels with battlefield solutions.

BMS primarily consists of following three sub-systems:-

  • Sensor Sub-system.
  • Communication Sub-system.
  • Tactical Combat Computer Sub-system.

Tac C4I Systems


BMS development programme was one of the C4I systems being developed under DGIS to provide C4I solutions from strategic to tactical level. Presently, the key C4I systems being developed in India for different users in the Armed Forces are as given below:-

  • Artillery Combat Command Control System.
  • Battlefield Surveillance System (BSS).
  • Command Information and Decision Support System (CIDSS).
  • Air Defence Control & Reporting System (ADC & RS) (Akashteer).
  • Combat Management System (CMS).
  • Coastal Management System (CSS).

 Essential Functions of BMS

Some of the most essential functionalities desired from a BMS are:

  • A Common Operating Picture (COP) for informed decision-making.
  • Scalable – Infantry battalion HQ down to individual solider level.
  • Integration of all sensors.
  • Integration of C2 with intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities.
  • Automatic and quick exchange of operational data, mission planning, visualization and full support for plans and orders.
  • Overlay creation and management.
  • Display automated massages and warnings.
  • Interoperable with other C4I systems in higher chain of command.
  • User friendly interface common across all C2 applications.
  • Use of cognitive communication equipment to ensure optimal selection and use of the best available transmission medium.
  • Ensuring safety of information at rest as well as during exchange.
  • Easy options for input of data, objects and tactical symbols.
  • Facility to carryout terrain and situational analysis.