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Night Vision Devices

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Jensy Johny
Posts: 38
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Joined: 4 years ago

The Indian Army, on 11 February 2019, issued two requests for information (RFI) for equipping thousands of assault rifles with two different types of night sights to bolster the night-fighting capabilities of its soldiers.

The army has launched a hunt for image intensifier and thermal imaging-based night sights for a total of 56,000 7.62X51 mm assault rifles, according to the RFIs. Image intensifier-based night sights amplify ambient light for detecting targets, while thermal imaging sights spot targets by their body heat.The army wants 40,000 image intensifier-based night sights and 16,000 thermal imaging-based night sights.

This is part of the Army’s effort to make up huge deficiencies in night fighting capabilities

Requirements of NVDs and EO Devices

An essential requirement is for the soldier to use his weapon sight for surveillance. The power source for the II sights should preferably provide for continuous surveillance, whereas, for the TI-based sights power would be required for confirmatory and not continuous role. Detachment of soldiers should also be able to estimate range, wind speed and altitude.

Recent Developments

* SIG 716 assault rifles are under delivery. They require reflex, telescopic, image intensifier (II) and thermal imaging (TI) sights.

* Reflex, telescopic, II and TI scopes are required for 5.56x45mm carbines and 7.62x51mm light machine guns (LMG), whose procurement process through fast track procedure (FTP) is under progress.

* Telescopic sights and night scopes are required for balance quantity of LMGs for which Request for Proposals (RfP) has been issued.

* Night scopes are required for .338 sniper rifles, whose procurement process is under progress.

* Acceptance of necessity (AoN) for telescopic sights for assault rifles and thermal sights for medium machine guns has been granted by the Defence Acquisition Council.

* A case for night sights (TI) for ASG 30 automatic grenade launcher is at the pore-AoN stage.

* A case for TI sights for 84mm rocket launcher (RL) is at the pre-AoN stage.

Requirements for Small Arms

In the case of close quarter battle (CQB) weapons, ie, for ranges under 300 metres, the Infantry is looking for reflex sights with magnifier (3x) for employment during day and II-based 'clip on' sights for night fighting (with Figure of Merit (FOM) > 1700).

For longer range weapons, ie 300-800 metres, the Infantry is looking for telescopic sights (4x or 5x) for daylight employment and TI sights 9'clip on' or standalone) for night fighting. Specifications should be FPA minimum 640x480 pixels and pitch 17/12 microns.

For support weapons like LMGs, MMGs, etc, the Infantry is looking for Integrated Day (CMOS) & Night (TI) sights, ballistic computers, GPs, Laser range finder and DMC, requiring minimum or no modification to the weapon to bring it into use.

Night Fighting Enablement Road Map

Passive night sights (PNS) for small arms (SA) which are in service have a FOM of 950. Their maximum range is 200 metres with moonlight conditions. For SWs in use CSWS/ Darshak is available????. There are bulky and Data Record??? For surveillance, the PNVGs and PNVBs which are in service have poor ergonomics and performance. The HHTIs in use are bulky and noisy.

In the short term, Infantry wants to increase the scales of TI and II devices by 10 times; go for increase in the FOM of short-range II devices to 1700 and of long range TI devices to 12 microns. For SW too, it would like to go scale the TI devices and opt for 'clip on' and indigenous FCS. In the case of surveillance devices, it wants substantial increase in their scaling, besides silent and light HHTI (UC), integrated LRF, GPS and DMC.

In the long term, the as far as night sights go, Infantry plans to review the QRs (min 2200 ??), explore SMART sights and increase the level of indigenisation through R&D. For SW, Infantry wants customised solutions through R&D, aiming for development of network integration and use of artificial intelligence (AI). For surveillance devices, Infantry wants industry to provide data transmission and networking options as well as AI enhanced devices.

Overall Requirements

The infantry's requirements, based on scaling of devices is huge. The following table shows the enormity of the requirements and the numbers for which procurement action has been initiated:

Night Weapon Sights

Type                      Required             Procurement Initiated

Carbine (II)         130,000                  40,000

Rifle (TI)               90,000                   19,000

Rifle (II)               180,000                 40,000

LMG (TI)              27,000                   5,000

LMG (II)               12,000                   2,300

RL (TI)                 15,000                   3,500

MMG (TI)            5,000                     1,500

EO Devices

PNVG (II)             100,000 17,000

PNVB (II)             30,000                   20,000

HHTI (C)               8,000                   7,500

HHTI (UC)            12,000                   0
