DRDO developed Very Short Range Air Defence System (VSHORAD)
DRDO developed Very Short Range Air Defence System (VSHORAD)

Army to Use DRDO’s VSHORAD Missile System

In a significant stride towards enhancing its air defence capabilities, the Indian defence establishment has initiated a tender for the procurement of 30 units of the indigenous Very Short-Range Air Defence (VSHORAD) missile system. These units mark the transition from the prototype stage to full-fledged industrial production, signifying a major leap in India’s quest for self-reliance in defence technology. 


The procurement of these VSHORAD missiles falls under the Development cum Production Partner (DcPP) policy, a strategic approach devised by the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). Under this policy, DRDO leads the design phase, offering detailed blueprints and technical specifications to either private or public sector industries for the prototype’s development. 

The VSHORAD missile system is a Man Portable Air Defence System (MANPAD) specially designed to counter low-altitude aerial threats over short distances. It boasts an array of advanced technologies, including a miniaturised Reaction Control System (RCS) and integrated avionics, which have demonstrated exceptional performance during rigorous testing. 

Powered by a dual-thrust solid motor, the VSHORAD missile ensures remarkable agility and precision when targeting airborne threats. The missile’s entire design, including its launcher, has been meticulously optimised to guarantee ease of portability, a crucial element for its effective deployment across various scenarios. 

The issuance of this procurement tender marks a significant milestone in India’s ongoing efforts to fortify its air defence capabilities, with a particular focus on countering short-range aerial threats. This move underscores the nation’s commitment to self-sufficiency in defence technology, reducing reliance on foreign imports and bolstering its security infrastructure. The use of VSHORAD missiles in India is primarily by the Indian Army. VSHORAD systems are designed to provide short-range air defence capabilities to protect ground forces and critical assets from aerial threats, including helicopters and low-flying aircraft.

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India has procured various VSHORAD systems to enhance its air defence capabilities, and these systems are typically operated by the Indian Army’s air defence units. As India continues to invest in indigenous defence projects, it solidifies its position as a regional powerhouse with the capacity to safeguard its airspace effectively. The VSHORAD missile system represents another stride towards a more secure and self-reliant India on the global stage.