Pakistan Air Force has lost at least 11 F-16 fighter jets since they were inducted
Pakistan Air Force has lost at least 11 F-16 fighter jets since they were inducted

$450 million Meant For 19 Block-52 Aircraft

Reversing the decision of its predecessor, the Biden Administration has approved a whopping $450 million F-16 fighter jet fleet sustainment programme to Pakistan. This is the first major security assistance to Pakistan after Trump ceased it in 2018alleging that Islamabad was not a partner in its fight against terrorism.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification, on 7 September, notifying Congress of this possible foreign military sale, arguing that that would sustain Islamabad’s capability to meet current and future counter-terrorism threats by maintaining its F-16 fleet.


According to the Congressional notification, the proposed sale does not include any new capabilities, weapons, or munitions.

It said that Pakistan has requested to consolidate prior F-16 sustainment and support cases to support the Pakistan Air Force F-16 fleet by reducing duplicate case activities and adding additional continued support elements.

The $450 million foreign military sale to Pakistan participation in F-16 Aircraft Structural Integrity Programme, electronic combat international security assistance programme, international engine management programme, engine component improvement programme, and other technical coordination groups; aircraft and engine hardware and software modifications and support and aircraft and engine spare repair/return parts.

The Pentagon said this proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by allowing Pakistan to retain interoperability with US and partner forces in ongoing counter-terrorism efforts and in preparation for future contingency operations. According to the Congressional notification, the proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region.

Pakistan and US watchers believe that the F-16 support has been given to Rawalpindi because of the following reasons:

— Gen Bajwa has been instrumental in supplying ammunition in support of Ukraine’s war effort against Pakistan’s newfound ally Russia using British aircraft.

— It is also a reward for the Pakistan Army led by Gen Bajwa for remaining neutral during the ouster of former PM Imran Khan Niazi, who once was weaponized by the same Army Chief to get rid of Nawaz Sharif in the last general elections. Niazi was in Moscow and met ally Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 24, the day the Red Army invaded Ukraine.

— It is also US recognition for Gen Bajwa’s efforts to lower down temperatures with India on the Line of Control (LoC) with guns falling silent on the borders.

Indian Response

Although the United States is a QUAD partner and a close ally, India has not taken the Biden administration’s decision to provide $450 million F-16 fighter support to Pakistan lying down and expressed its displeasure through diplomatic channels to Washington.

The Modi government is not amused with this development and has let the Biden administration know about its views on the entire issue as the fighters will be used against India like they were on February 27, 2019 as a retaliation to India’s Balakot strike on Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist camp a day earlier.

Although the support is only to maintain the F-16 fighters with Pakistan and not upgradation of military capabilities or fresh ordnance or air to air missiles, India is cheesed with the narrative put out by the US State Department to justify the foreign military sale for sustainment and related equipment for the fighters.

Pakistan’s Acquisition of F-16s

The supply of F-16 multi role aircraft began in the Cold war scenario and continued throughout the post-9/11 era till the Biden administration.

Pakistan first received the F-16 aircraft package from the Ronald Reagan administration in the 1980s despite heavy objection from the Government of India which cautioned that the aircraft would be used against Indian targets. Indian objection was based on the findings that Pakistan would arm the F-16s with nuclear weapons that it had procured in a clandestine manner. President Reagan however cleared the sale despite opposition from certain members of the US Congress and CIA’s counter proliferation wing.

In 1990, U.S. cancelled the delivery of nearly 30 F-16 aircraft to Pakistan after the Pressler Amendment came into effect. The nuclear tests by India and Pakistan in 1998, further confirmed the Indian concerns about the danger posed by nuclear-armed F-16 aircraft in Pakistan’s air force.

The U.S. has repeatedly used the strategic aircraft as a tool in its diplomatic relation with Pakistan. In 2001, following the al Qaeda attack on the World Trade Center in New York, the US had released a package of $3 billion to refit and supply new F-16 aircraft to Pakistan. With nearly 2000 miles as its range of operation, the F-16 has obvious usage against Pakistan’s primary military rival – India. The subsequent findings of widespread terrorist network inside Pakistan and the attacks against US citizens like Daniel Pearl could not dent the decision taken by the George W. Bush administration.

A similar decision to supply F-16 aircraft was taken in late 2015, when the Obama administration was in negotiation with the Pakistan-backed Taliban leaders in exile for an exit strategy for the U.S. forces from Afghanistan. India had vehemently protested against the sale of F-16 fighters to Pakistan and the then Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar had summoned US Ambassador Richard Verma and lodged a strong protest against the Obama administration’s decision.

The sale of spares is meant for about 19 block-52 aircraft. Reportedly, the PAF has about a squadron strength of these aircraft and two other squadrons. The PAF is also keen to replace its old French Mirage aircraft but F-16 is certainly not an option as Islamabad would not have the cash to pay for Western aircraft. The evolving geo-political circumstances also don’t seem to suggest that floodgates to American military and economic aid would open like in the past.


The Biden administration’s decision to refit Pakistan’s F-16 aircraft fleet with the latest weapons and electronic systems indicates that despite the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the United States will continue to maintain strong strategic commitment to the armed forces of Pakistan.

The $450 million support for Pakistan F-16 program could be a precursor to getting Islamabad removed from FATF’s grey list and as reward for Rawalpindi supplying ammunition to Ukraine. Islamabad’s move to ask the Taliban regime to locate and arrest super Pakistani terrorist Masood Azhar is part of FATF relief exercise.

While the US has provided support in the name of counter-terrorism and as per lifetime F-16 fighter support contract with Pakistan, the real reasons lie within the Rawalpindi Headquarters and with Army Chief Gen Qamar Jawed Bajwa.

The fact is that Pakistan desperately needs spare parts for its F-16 fleet as the Chinese JF-17 aircraft has come out a cropper in military terms. Even during the Feb 27, 2019 strike, the Pakistani F-16 fired missiles at intercepting Indian fighters with the JF-17 fighters playing no role in the counter-offensive.

The upswing in America-Pakistan defence ties during Biden’s rule is an ominous sign for India, which should first safeguard its strategic interests and be wary of America’s ploy to use it as a pawn against China. New Delhi must call out Washington for its dubious policy of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.