Constitutionally, India is a socialist, secular and democratic republic. There is considerable importance of each of these words. Briefly, Socialism stresses equitable production and distribution of wealth in the society, overseen by the state. It is a midway point between Capitalism and Communism and if left unchecked, leads to Communism. Secularism is the freedom of religious choice for citizens and a guarantee of no discrimination on account of religion by the state. Democracy is self-governance by the people through elected representatives, by majority vote. Except in Communism, which is a single-party structure, it envisages a multi-party system, where people have a choice of electing the person or party that promises fulfilment of their aspirations (Election Manifesto). These aspects of India’s Constitution must be remembered in the context of her security.
Opposition to governments is commonplace and healthy in a democracy. People and political parties oppose a government whenever they feel its act is illegal or not in the nation’s best interests. Such opposition is the essence of a vibrant democracy and is extremely desirable. Opposition, however, to a government act that is neither illegal nor against India’s best interests, is unfortunate and undesirable. More so, when this opposition is not of its own volition by her people but at the behest and provocation of alien forces, jittery at the shift in India’s political ideology and meteoric rise on the global billboards.
The opposition to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is ostensibly fulcrumed on the exclusion of Muslims as beneficiaries in the Act. This is because anti-India forces require reasons to disrupt India’s harmony and growth. When no valid reason presents itself, an invalid reason must be cultivated. How can a law, addressing problems of minorities of Indian origin in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, be applied to Muslims who are in a 90-97% majority in these countries? This illogical opposition to a compassionate law is further extrapolated to include a non-existent, but much feared, National Register of Citizens (NRC). A registered record of its citizens is crucial for any sovereign state. All countries, including Pakistan, have such a register. No nation would accept illegal immigrants to flood its territory and gnaw at its economy and compromise its security. Segregation of real citizens from the impostors, however, impinges grievously on many political parties in India. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) government of Mamata Banerjee in West Bengal, is surviving on votes from illegal Bangladeshi migrants. Many parties, especially Congress, have laboriously built-up a Muslim vote-bank for their political sustenance. They cannot tolerate CAA and NRC-type legislations that predispose their electoral demise. Political ambition invariably overrides patriotism!!
India, nurtured on Nehruvian brand of secularism, openly favouring Muslims and Islamic institutions, has experienced a dynamic course correction since the ouster of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) in 2014 – delivering a body-blow to India’s Islamisation process, so assiduously built-up by the Congress. The opposition to CAA and NRC by such parties proves extremely conducive to forces envious of India’s growth and perpetual evasion of Islamisation for 800 years.
Opposition to CAA is largely sponsored by two forces – one spearheaded by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), targeting India’s secularism pillar to promote Islamisation and the other force, trothed to Communism, aka China – aiming to uproot India’s pillars of socialism and democracy. Though a socialist, secular and democratic republic, India has unwittingly allowed non-socialist, non-secular and non-democratic powers to settle and flourish in India. Some parties like All-India Muslim League (AIML) and Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) use the Pakistani flag, All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen (AIMIM), Jamaat-e-Islami, etc, are overtly Islamic, constitutionally unethical in a secular India, while some camouflage behind names like Democratic Secular Party, Peoples’ Democratic Party, All-India United Democratic Front, Indian National League, etc. Islamists have historically used Hindu names, a la Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, to hoodwink India. The ruse continues to this day, where hordes of Muslims propagate their agenda on social media, using Hindu names. The creation of Tablighi Jamaat in 1926 in India, for proselytising Islam, has matured into a terror outfit roaming the non-Islamic world, spreading the word of Allah and Covid-19 with equal nonchalance and zeal.
Tolerance is the spine of secularism and intolerance is the backbone of Islam. No nation can be Islamic and secular at the same time. As Jaafar Sheikh Idris explains, “Secularism is not for countries with a Muslim majority or a sizeable minority, for it confronts God-given beliefs with man-made beliefs. Separation of religion and state is, therefore, not for Muslims.”
Those patriotic Muslims that have laid down their lives for a non-Islamic India, are not true Muslims in the eyes of the Islamists. Islamists, alas, have always revered the Afzal Gurus over the Abdul Hamids of India. India is indebted to luminaries like Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, Azim Premji, Shah Bano, Ismat Chugtai, Ras Khan, Rahim, Qurratulain Hyder and countless Muslim soldiers, doctors, professors, politicians and other professionals, who have contributed immensely to India’s economy, politics, literature, civil rights and international stature. Good education and a life with family makes for a Muslim while a lack of these nurtures an Islamist.
Islamists have not forgiven Britain for not handing over India to Muslims, from whom they had taken India in 1757. They feel India belonged to the Muslims as it was ruled by them from the 12th Century till their subjugation by the British. In reality, Muslims are as much aliens in India as the British, French and Portuguese were. India has a history dating back to the Indus Valley Civilisation (3,300 BCE) culminating into the Hindu Vedic Period (1,500 BCE) with a highly evolved civilisation. Islam, on the other hand, germinated in Mecca in 7th Century CE, a full 2,200 years after the Vedic period in India. It took another 600 years for it to cross the Indus, after countless unchronicled defeats at the hands of Hindu rulers. Muslims are invaders just like the British. So, an Owaisi or a Rahat Indori claiming “Hindustan kisi ke baap ka nahin hai” have evidently got their lineage wrong.
The orchestrated protest against CAA and a pre-embryonic NRC is a loud example of Islamic intervention in an imagined persecution of India’s Muslims. Their real fear is that these Acts will bar illegal incursion and naturalization of Muslims from abroad as also diffuse the Islamic womb-bomb ticking in India. Thus, delaying, if not reversing, India’s Islamisation process. Islamophobia is no longer the fear of India’s Islamisation; it is the fear of Islamists that it may NOT happen!!
Events like anti-CAA protests, prolonged road blockades, stone-pelting against security forces, anti-India propaganda, Chowkidar Chor Hai-type unfounded slogans, assault on the government on social media and in TV debates cannot be the handiwork of amateurs. These require shrewd planning, structured organisation, bottomless funding, selective recruitment, training and indoctrination, widespread media reach, penetration in international fora and timely execution. It also calls for an impassioned defence of the culprits, post an operation. With 78 per cent of global oil reserves, OIC has enough financial clout to sponsor Islamisation by all means, including terror. It seems designed, determined and well organised for this. (See the Euler diagram).
Organisation Of Islamic Cooperation
Selected global media, student-unions, economists, authors, Nobel laureates, etc, are on lucrative OIC payrolls. They rise in unison against any real or imagined persecution of a Muslim anywhere in the world, affecting public opinion and democratic governments worldwide. This ploy, of course, does not work in Communist states like China, North Korea, Cuba, etc, where votes are irrelevant.
Many anthropologists and analysts believe Islam was never a religion. As per David Solway, Islam is an unrepentant movement clothed in religion, bent on universal conquest by deception (taqiyya), social and cultural infiltration or terror. (Quran 13:41). It sanctions militant proselytization, forcible imposition of Islam by coercion, threat and violence (Quran 8:39, 9:29, etc). It punishes apostasy with death (Quran 4:89; Hadith, Bukhari 9. 84. 57). Islam makes no distinction between faith and state. Its ambition is khilafil – a universal state ruled by Islamic law, like the one envisioned by the Islamic State in Iraq & Syria (ISIS).
While it is abundantly true – all Muslims are not terrorists. It is, sadly, equally true that almost all terrorists are Muslims. So, the refrain ‘Terrorism has nothing to do with proper Islam’ or ‘terror has no religion’ becomes pure canard when 95 per cent of global terrorists turn out to be well-trained and fanatically indoctrinated Muslims. There is an intimate relationship between terrorism and Islam, though it is unfair to paint all Muslims with this brush. Light, that makes things visible, is itself invisible and oxygen, so essential for combustion, is itself incombustible. Similarly, Islamism is totally different from being a Muslim. Muslims, like followers of any faith, are good or bad. Muslims, with a proper job and a family, are some of the finest people on earth, with good behaviour and tolerance towards others. Islamists are not enamoured of a Muslim with a college education, job and a family. They crave madrassa-indoctrinated, jobless, sex-starved young men who can be easily motivated for jihad, with an assured supply of 72 virgin Houris, in Jannat (Quran 3: 157). Most Muslims are themselves innocent victims of the sinister indoctrination they receive weekly, at Friday prayers.
India faces ominous threat to her secularism and, hence, to her sovereignty from this Islamic juggernaut. India is not alone. The western world and China are alive to the global threat of Islamisation, now. All non-Islamic nations are either victims or are marked as future targets. India, USA, Europe, Japan, South America, South Africa and Australia, with tacit support or neutrality of China, may form an alliance to combat this menace, economically and militarily. Secular Muslim-majority nations like UAE, that have tasted the good life and freedom from Shariat may also put their shoulder to this international wheel.
The other threat to India comes from Communists, who too have developed deep roots here. Their aim is to Communise India, not religiously but politically. Communist Party of India (CPI) has a history of anti-India stance, starting with its opposition to the Quit India Movement, 1942. Its isotope, CPI (Marxist) and the militant CPI (Maoist), along with their myriad unions of students, farmers and workers, have been instrumental in putting spokes in India’s progress and growth. Like Islam, Communism too thrives on force, militant administration and self-aggrandisement of its leaders. Communism, being irreligious, does not threaten secularism but it attacks India’s pillars of socialism and democracy by promoting Communism. Communist democracy, based on a single party, is really an oligarchy that slowly culminates into plutocracy. Any North Korean, Cuban or Chinese will vouch for that. Communist economies, too, are worse than capitalist economies as they curtail initiative, curb entrepreneurship and kill motivation.
An Islamic or Communist India may be a mouth-watering prospect for OIC or China; it is catastrophic for India and for the rest of the world that sees India and Hinduism as a ray of hope in a Covid19-plagued, materialistic and largely unspiritual global community. Any activity that aims to move India away from Socialism, Secularism or Democracy is unconstitutional. If a nation cannot defend its Constitution, it all but abdicates its sovereignty. So, any attack on the aforesaid three pillars of India’s Constitution is tantamount to an attack on India’s sovereignty and merits retaliation with all the force available to counter it.
The Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2019 (CAA) entitles grant of Indian citizenship in six years against the norm of 12 years of residence for Hindu, Sikh, Parsi, Buddhist and Christian immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh, who have lived in India without documentation, since 2014.
The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is a register of all Indians, mandated by the 2003 amendment of the Citizenship Act, 1955, to list all legal citizens of India so that the illegal migrants can be deported. It was implemented in Assam in 2013–14 with plans to implement it in India in 2021.
The National Population Register (NPR) is a list of all people residing in India and includes both citizens and non-citizens. It is the first step towards creation of NRC.