Information Warfare is Now a Potent Weapon
Changing Dimensions of Warfare
China's Three Warfares Need to to be Countered
The changing character of war and its emerging dimensions which are often referred to...
India’s Ballistic Missile Defence Programme
Missile Defence Capability Required For Second Strike
The Indian Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) programme consists of a multi-layered system to protect India from ballistic missile...
Agni-5 User Trial Successfully Conducted
ICBM ready for use with Strategic Forces Command
As part of user trial, Agni-5 was successfully launched, on 27 October 2021, from Abdul Kalam Island,...
Philosophy and Methodology of Intelligence and Big Tech – Part 2
India Must Turn the Table with Bhartiya Mind
ALSO READ: Philosophy and Methodology of Intelligence and Big Tech - Part 1
Human Error - ‘Free Will’...
Philosophy and Methodology of Intelligence and Big Tech – Part 1
Intelligence Agencies Draw on Big Data
Big Tech and Big Data are the two most talked-about trends of our time. From their ever-increasing dominance to...
Wuhan: Accidental Release or Staged Accident?
History Repeats
As a military historian I would like to commence with a grim reminder. The Second World War began with a staged incident on...
INDIA-CHINA – A Chinese View of India’s Military Strategy
A once-in-a-decade military strategy document released by the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) leading think tank in 2013 offers some clues to China's border moves,...
India’s Stint at UN Security Council: 2021-2022
Delhi's uncontested election as Asia-Pacific candidate and concomitantly, winning 184/193 seats in the General Assembly marks a huge diplomatic success for India. It is...
NUCLEAR WEAPONS: Nuclear Dynamics in South Asia
Pakistan continues to be obsessed with Kashmir and its prime minister Imran Khan once again brought up the issue at the UN General Assembly...
NATIONAL SECURITY: Bollywood And India’s Security
Where glamour & money are honey; criminals are bees
A nation’s security is a fickle phenomenon. India is that juicy plum, the Islamists have been...