IAF Chief Questions China’s Claims on 6th- Gen Fighter Jet’s Capabilities
Air Chief Marshal AP Singh of the Indian Air Force has cast doubt on China's claims of a successfully flown sixth-generation fighter jet, emphasizing...
China’s Defense Budget Surges 7.2% to $249 Billion, Far Ahead of India
China has announсed a 7.2% inсrease in its defense budget, reaсhing $249 billion, signifiсantly outpaсing India's spending, whiсh is about $78.8 billion. This surge...
China Fuelling An Asian NATO?
China’s continued disrespect for the sovereignty of its neighbours and aggressive conduct on the high seas has developed a deep security dilemma for neighbours...
Book Review: China Betrays Again
China had backstabbed India in 1962 despite unprecedented support provided by India to China for its legitimacy, Panchsheel agreement and Hindi-Chini Bhai-Bhai being at...
Fujian – China’s Newest Type 03 Aircraft Carrier
Invasion of Taiwan Part 6
The Type 003 carrier is China’s most-advanced warship ever built and its launch has cemented Beijing's position as a top...
Taiwan’s Ability to Defend the Mainland
Invasion of Taiwan – Part 5
The circumstances under which the PRC has historically indicated it would consider the use force have evolved over time....
The PLA’s Current Posture Against Taiwan
Invasion of Taiwan – Part 4
The PLAA has increased its posture in the Eastern Theater Command and along the Taiwan Strait, providing the PLAA...
The Invasion Unfolds
Scenario Generation Exercise - Part 3 - America Comes to Taiwan’s Rescue
8 Feb 2024: Taiwan Straits
On 8 Feb 2024, China commenced a series of...
Chinese Leadership Discusses Strategy
Scenario Generation Exercise – Part 2 - USA Ponders Over Options
30 Jun 2023. White House. Washington.
Director CIA, William Burns asked for a most urgent...
Events Leading up to the Invasion
Scenario Generation Exercise – Part 1 - Xi Jinping Gives the Go-ahead
16 Feb 2022. Meeting of Central Military Commission (CMC) on Taiwan Question. Beijing