Top Intelligencies agencies of the world
Top Intelligencies agencies of the world

Senior representatives of almost 40 international spy agencies will be visiting India for the first time on April 24-25. Of these, about 25 are agency heads, said sources.

These bosses are from Canada, France, Germany, the UAE, and several other Asian and European countries, they added. This intelligence assembly is going to discuss all top global security issues that are considered to be an immediate threat to the world, the sources said.


It has also been learnt that a common agenda of discussion will be China which is threatening world security in many ways— social, economic, and territorial. Apart from these issues, said sources, the meeting is also indicative of the importance of India in an international security partnership.

The spy agency representatives will be interacting with their Indian counterparts and national security adviser Ajit Doval, they added.

They will also attend the latest edition of the Raisina Dialogue, to be held on April 25, said the sources.