Tablighi Jamaat men organised a congregation of 250,000 participants near Lahore in Pakistan on March 11, despite the request of the Pakistani authorities to postpone or cancel it. And, perhaps, unknowingly, they gifted the coronavirus and deaths to whole of the Muslim world from Gaza to Malaysia. In India, the religious gathering of over 2,400 people took place at the Markaz in Nizamuddin Basti of New Delhi, on 13-15 March, against the government’s advise and directions and knowingly gave exponential rise to Kovid-19 cases around the country over the next two weeks. The count was rising at the time of writing.
There are two kinds of enemies; those we see and those we cannot. Evidently, the latter poses more serious threats. The invisible enemy is not just the one we cannot see; it includes enemies camouflaged as friends. Who is so fortunate as not to have been deceived by such an enemy? Julius Caesar’s tormented “Et tu, Brute”, as he collapsed more from shock of a friend’s betrayal than by wounds inflicted by Cassius or Casca. Shakespeare had to abdicate grammar and use a double-superlative to describe this extreme anguish… the most unkindest cut of all. Saeed Rahi speaks for all of us when he painfully pens “Dost ban banke mile mujhko mitane wale.” (Jagjit Singh).
History is rife with instances of enemy posing as friend, while all the time plotting sinister designs, like the Greek subterfuge of the Trojan Horse to enter the impregnable Fort of Troy or Shivaji Maharaj employing the waghnakh to kill the mighty Afzal Khan. What has this got to do with Tablighi Jamaat? Well, everything. But, first, what is Tablighi Jamaat?
About the Tablighi Jamaat
Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) is a proselytizing group. It is the snooty word for a group involved in preaching and coercion for religious conversion. Educated and evil-intentioned humans have a way of creating euphemisms for unpleasant or embarrassing activities. No one likes a group called Religious Converters Forum, hence the camouflage. If radical Islamisation is a threat then security of India, like that of so many non-Islamic or secular countries, is under peril from organisations like TJ. The solution, naturally, lies in ensuring radicalisation does not take place.
TJ was started by Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Kandhalawi in Mewat, India, near Delhi in 1927 and is managed from its international headquarters at Nizamuddin Markaz, New Delhi. It has an Advisory Council (Shura), headed by an Ameer, that outlines goals and targets, gives general direction and makes budgetary allocation for specific missions. In 1995, Shura discarded the post of Ameer. Members of Shura, by rotation, lead as Faisals.
It has country HQs in almost all countries. The country heads are called Zimmedars (The Responsibles). TJ’s activities are coordinated through centres called Markaz, which organise groups of ten to twelve people (jamaats), for propagating the word of Allah.
Despite having over a million followers and presence in over 180 countries, TJ remains largely unknown, even to scholars of Islam. It avoids open discussion on controversial political subjects affecting Muslims, like Palestine, Kashmir and Chinese Uighurs to portray itself as a virtuous movement dedicated to scholarly pursuit of Islamic studies, individual faith, introspection and spiritual development. TJ does not seek donations nor any kind of publicity for the same reason. However, considering the size and geographical spread of the movement and its growing tilt towards jihad bin saif, it can be surmised that it receives copious funding from pro-Islamist governments, organisations, waqfs, philanthropes and wealthy Arabs.
The frugal lifestyle of TJ missionaries and their projected stand against social ills misleads most observers about their motives and influence on society. In reality, TJ members are staunch and motivated missionaries indoctrinated in Islamic teachings, mass-psychology, motivation, secrecy, as well as in the use of weapons, explosives and IEDs. They are geared for spreading Islam across the globe, less by hook and more by crook. The explosive growth of Islam may well be attributed to the use of explosives by TJ sponsored terrorists. Never have so many wolves worn sheep’s clothing!! In short, TJ meets all the characteristics of an invisible enemy; the kind every nation must be wary of, especially India, which for many Islamists is the last and the most stubborn frontier.
TJ has a threefold aim: firstly, to wean errant Muslims away from the Western way of life, secondly, to cajole, persuade or threaten non-Muslims to convert to Islam and, thirdly, to kill the kafirs. One section of TJ believes they should pursue jihad bin nafs (jihad through conscience) while another advocates jihad bin saif (jihad through the sword). In practice, TJ follows the radical Wahabi-Salafi jihadist ideology that most terrorists follow.
TJ was founded at a time when Muslim influence was beginning to assert itself in the Congress Party. It was common those days for Muslims in India, like Dilip Kumar, Meena Kumari, Madhubala, etc to adopt Hindu/Christian names, without renouncing Islam, for better career prospects and to escape fatwas for pursuing trades declared haram in Islam. None of these Muslims were anti-India; they were just being careful. Conspiracy theorists believe the Nehrus, too, were Muslims but foresaw profound political advantage in assuming a Hindu name. Jawaharlal Nehru, who claimed to be a Kashmiri Pandit in his biography, even prefixed the Hindu priesthood title of Pandit to his name. There is no doubt that the Congress Party pursued an agenda of Muslim appeasement.
Muslim educational institutions and madrassas flourished under government patronage and organisations like TJ gained in strength. Hindus remained under the false impression that their secular and noble Hindu prime minister was appeasing a deprived minority community. If you use a design repeatedly, it soon becomes a doctrine. By the 1970s, pro-Muslim bias had become a firm but clandestine doctrine of the Congress and its allies. By the time Congress was ousted from power in 2014, the administrative bias in favour of the Muslims was so deep, any attempt to restore balance appeared glaringly non-secular and anti-Muslim.
The Prophet being a great visionary, not only foresaw the power of numbers when the word democracy was not even coined, he found simple and ingenious ways to ensure rapid proliferation of his fledgling Islam. Grant of four wives, easy Talaq (divorce) and confinement of women to the home were aimed at increasing Muslim population four times faster than other faiths. The simplicity of the plan is astounding and grudgingly applaudable. Hence, despite a 600-year handicap, Muslims are poised to overtake Christians in world population by 2050 AD and nobody can do anything about it!! Even if there were no crusades to spread Islam, the Prophet’s Womb Bomb, would do the trick.
It is not clear if it was the Qu’ran, the Prophet or his mischievous clerks that promised an afterlife of eternal youth in Jannat, with 72 houris (beautiful, buxom, wide-eyed virgins who could never get pregnant), eternal supply of sharab (wine) that would not intoxicate them and a life of fabulous luxury with 80,000 servants each, to kamikaze killers of kafirs. Young men, with brains in their libido, living an unrewarded Islamic bachelorhood, devoid of female touch, would cheerfully commit Jihadi self-destruction for the promised afterlife. Some Islamic scholars, to parry negative commentary on afterlife debauchery, have interpreted the 72 houris not as escorts but as 72 wives – instantly converting a juicy reward into a cataclysmic punishment.
One TJ-assissted method for spread of Islam involves a three-step process.
- Step One – identify a target location, ie, the recipient country. A recipient is any rich and peaceful democracy, which is non-Islamic and a citizen-friendly welfare state. Countries of western Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, etc, qualify for this.
- Step Two – identify a donor region. This is a region where poor Muslims are living in squalid conditions. Almost the entire Muslim world qualifies as donors except oil-rich countries.
- Step Three – transport a few hundred poor Muslim families from donor to recipient country.
This is done in many ways but projecting them as life-threatened refugees always works. Once these steps are completed, it is a wait and watch period of 30-40 years for the womb-bomb to take effect. Studies have shown that democracies having 14% Muslim population reach the irreversible Islamisation point. Countries with less than 14% Muslims have a slender chance if they take swift remedial measures. India is already in the irreversible zone. Western Europe is a repentant victim of this methodology.
Other methods include forcible marriage of kafir girls with Muslim men (Love Jihad), forcible conversion of non-Muslim minorities and mass killing of kafirs through terrorist attacks. TJ is adept at all these methods with almost all terrorist groups as its clients.
TJ organises annual gatherings in South Asian countries, called Ijtema, attended by one to four million members. The logistics of such huge events can be imagined but the official line is the attendance and associated expenses are borne by the attendees themselves. The Ijtema lasts three days and is not so much for decision making as for a show of strength. However, in the prevailing scenario of Covid-19, such huge gatherings have been used as a bio-weapons against unsuspecting kafirs.
Despite the outbreak of Covid-19 worldwide, Ijtemas were organised in Feb-Mar 2020 in Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and India. These have become the largest vehicles of transmission of the virus in South and SE Asia averaging 30% of all positive cases in this region. The cases are bound to grow exponentially as the TJ missionaries are determined to use the virus as a weapon “sent by Allah to punish the kafirs.” They are spitting on people and in public areas and attacking doctors, nurses and others trying to contain the virus. All the good work of the Indian government and crores of law-abiding Indians, through the 21-day lockdown, has been neutralized in one fell stroke by TJ missionaries.
Fortunately, the naqaab (veil) of secrecy of TJ’s operations has been removed by Covid-19. Non-Islamic nations are now aware of TJ’s Islamisation threat. A global threat cannot be tackled at national level. A united and synchronous effort by all threatened countries is vital to initially contain and subsequently neutralize the threat of TJ and any isotopes that may germinate instead. One can emulate China’s handling of Uighur Muslims but then not everyone has a one-party pseudo-democracy. USA, Russia, Australia, Canada, Japan, Latin America and India seem to tacitly agree on the Islamisation threat. UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Greece are already suffering consequences of admitting Muslim refugees and immigrants. Post Covid-19, it may well be time for these nations to join forces to make the world a little less Green. China, for all its unipolar ambitions, is unlikely to oppose such a move. Oil supply may prove a temporary problem but can be surmounted if the world is united. There are enough oil reserves in Venezuela, Canada, Russia, USA, China and Brazil to survive, with some rationing. Covid-19 has already taught the world to live sans travel. Without oil exports, the damage to oil-rich Muslim countries shall be more crippling.
Muslims living in India and other non-Islamic countries must accept secularism or move to Islamic countries. India was partitioned on religious grounds and Muslims that opted to stay on in India must accept living in a secular or even a Hindu state, much like the Hindus that opted to stay on in Pakistan must accept Islam as the state religion. India has a right to promulgate true secularism where citizens are free to practice their religion, including Islam, but have no right to obstruct others or to proliferate their faith. All attempts at religious conversions run contrary to the spirit of secularism and must be illegal.
India must cast-off tolerance and political niceties towards proven anti-nationals who promote Islamic agenda for personal gains. Pure Islamists always place faith above the nation, which leads to sedition and treachery. While the state promises no afterlife rewards, TJ emissaries promise Jannat, tilting the scales heavily in its favour at the expense of national patriotism. Time has come for swift and exemplary punishment to traitors and enemies of the state. Events like Shaheen Bagh blockade, stone-pelting on security forces, JNU-like seditious speeches, spitting on doctors etc should all be firmly and immediately suppressed. At the international level, India must impose crippling economic sanctions against nations abetting, supporting or sponsoring Islamisation of India. We need to learn the art of handling Muslims from Israel.
This fight is not against Muslims, most of whom are good, law-abiding and secular citizens. This fight is against the obsession of Islam to exterminate all other faiths.
Col Shaili Sharma has is a gunnery and aviation expert
Head of the Tablighi Jamaat Maulana Saad, who absconding after Delhi Police registered an FIR
Followers of the Tablighi Jamaat started vacating the building in Nizamuddin, New Delhi, only after the national security adviser Ajit Doval met the leaders after midnight on 28/29 March 2020. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, on 1 April, said that the number of coronavirus cases across India may rise due to negligence and carelessness, with reference to the recent Markaz Nizamuddeen episode in Delhi.
Joint Secretary of the Health Ministry, Lav Agarwal, said ther main reason for exponential increase in the number of cases was that members of Tablighi Jamaat had travelled across the country ignoring all advisories issued by the central and state governments.
As of 4 April 2020, the total number of Coronavirus infected cases shot up to 2,978, with 555 new ones recorded on 3 April and the death toll stood at 78. There were only 1000 cases on 30 March. Most new cases were reported among those who had attended the Tablighi Jamaat event, or people who had come in direct contact with the participants, who had left Delhi to reach their hometowns across India.
Tablighis from all over the country and across the world had been arriving in New Delhi from the last week of Feb 2020. Three thousand people from over eleven nations stayed at the Masjid for several days violating the law of the land. During their stay, the infection of Corona Virus spread rapidly, and presently accounts for as much as 30 per cent of total infections in the entire country, and the count is only rising.
On 13 March the first order was issued prohibiting all sports gathering including IPL, conferences and seminars of more than 200 people in Delhi for the prevention and control of the outbreak of COVID-19. Subsequently, on March 16th, a second order was issued by the Health and Family Welfare Department of the Delhi Government under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, and gatherings above 50 were prohibited. On 18 March, the Office of the Commissioner of Police, New Delhi prohibited assembly of five or more individuals. More than a thousand were still at the Masjid after the People’s Lockdown on 22 Mar 2020.
Maulana Saad Kandhalvi, who hosted the infamous Tablighi Jamaat event, went missing from 28 March after he was served a notice by the Delhi police. An FIR was registered against Maulana Saad and others members of the Tablighi Jamaat under the Epidemic Disease Act, 1897 and relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) in connection with the spread of coronavirus. Markaz cleric Maulana Saad, Dr Zeeshan, Mufti Shehzad, M Saifi, Younus, Mohd Salman, and Mohammed Ashraf have been named in the FIR.
The Tablighi Jamaat Markaz Connection