The Agnipath model is followed by many other nations that have been recruiting personnel for contractual terms for years.
United States of America
The United States, which is the strongest military power in the world, recruits personnel for a four-year term during which time they are on “active” duty. Personnel serve another four years on “inactive” duty which means they can be recalled if the need arises. The usa.gov website says that after an individual has completed active duty time, he or she can either extend the contract or re-enlist if they want to continue serving. Soldiers are eligible for pension after they serve 20 years in the military. Those who opt out before are eligible for certain perks and allowances.
China has been downsizing its military’s human resources and adding more firepower to its strength.
The Chinese military is based on conscription which makes military service obligatory for all men aged above 18 years.
As per Chinese law, the term of service for conscripts is three years in the Army and four years in the Navy and the Air Force. For volunteers, the term of active service is eight years and no more than 12 years.
In recent years, China has been trying to reduce conscription and recruit more educated and technically proficient soldiers.
The Russian Army has historically used conscription to ensure they have reserves with military training, in case there is a need to mobilise for a major war.
Russia follows a hybrid contract and conscript model. Conscripts have a term of one year and are then put into reserve. All males aged 18 to 27 are subject to conscription for a year of military duty after an 8-month training period.
Russia has two conscription season every year – from 1 April until 15 July (spring) and between 1 October and 31 December (autumn). Men aged between 18 and 27, with no health issues or outstanding convictions could be called on to serve. However, failure to appear at the registration office is punishable by large fines and a two-year prison sentence.
Contract soldiers are given advanced training and deployed in strategic units. Despite conscription to create a reserve army, Russia has fallen short of men on the ground amid its war in Ukraine and has been reportedly hiring foreign fighters.
Conscription is a model Israel follows since its formation in 1948 to defend its territories from what was then a largely hostile neighbourhood. However, that is largely a “myth” now since Israel too has made a moved on from a conscription-based army to a leaner professional army as dynamics in the middle-east change.
The Ultra-orthodox and Arab Israelis are exempted from conscription. Arab citizens of Israel are allowed to enlist voluntarily.
Adult Israeli men must serve for 30 months and women for 24 months, unless they volunteer for a unit that requires additional service time. Afterwards they are put in a pool of reserves who can be called for service if required. 10 per cent of the conscripts are retained and given a contract for seven years. Those who serve a minimum of 12 years receive the benefits of a pension.
According to a SIPRI report of 2017, France has the largest armed forces in size in the European Union.
In 1996, President Jacques Chirac’s government announced the end of conscription and in 2001, conscription formally was ended.
Today, the youth of France joins the Armed Forces, called the Forces armées françaises, on a voluntary and contractual basis. The volunteer can sign a one-year contract, which can be extended to five years.
Soldiers are given training for three months and those who serve for over 19 years are eligible for state pension.