RISAT-2BR1 Satellite 2
RISAT-2BR1 Satellite 2

The seventh edition of Exercise Mitra Shakti 2019 aimed at enhancing interoperability and operational efficiency amongst the armies of both India and Sri Lanka when deployed as part of United Nations peace keeping forces was conducted from 1 to 14 December at Aundh Military Station, Pune.Contingents comprising of 120 personnel each from Sri Lankan and Indian Army participated in the exercise.

The themes chosen for the joint training exercise were both, live & contemporary affecting both the nations. The objective of the exercise was to build and promote positive relations between armies of India and Sri Lanka through focus on sub unit level training on counter insurgency and counter terrorism operations in urban and rural environment under United Nations mandate. The joint training exercise also signified the strength of India-Sri Lanka relations in the field of military cooperation and engagement, which is vital for refining the interoperability and operational preparedness.


The joint exercise was designed for incorporating the current dynamics of United Nations peace keeping operations through practical and comprehensive discussions and tactical exercises. The primary focus of the joint training exercise was on field craft, battle drills and procedures as also the ability to operate jointly with seamless interoperability.

As member nations of the United Nations, the participating contingents gained immensely through joint operability and enhanced military and diplomatic association.

The joint training exercise concluded with a 48-hour long culmination exercise which showcased the standards achieved by the contingents during the joint training and demonstrated the commitment as well as capabilities of the participating armies in working closely with each other to maintain world peace under the United Nations flag.

Both the contingents displayed high degree of professionalism while practicing various counter terrorism drills which has been a great learning experience for both the contingents. The standards displayed by the contingents delivered a strong & reassuring message with regards to the intent, commitment & capability of both the armies towards maintaining world peace and upholding the mandate of United Nations.          

Exercise Surya Kiran-XIV

The 14th edition of bilateral annual military exercise Surya Kiran-XIV between Indian and Nepal Army was conducted from 3 to 16 December at Nepal Army Battle School (NABS), Salijhandi, Rupendehi district of Nepal. The 13th edition of the joint military exercise was held at Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand in June 2018.

The aim of this exercise was to conduct a battalion level combined training between Indian Army and Nepal Army with a scope to enhance interoperability at military level in jungle warfare, counter terrorist operations in mountainous terrain, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief operations, medical and environmental conservation including aviation aspects.

As part of the exercise, important lectures, demonstrations and drills related to counter insurgency and counter terrorism operations in jungle and mountainous terrain were conducted. Both the Armies also shared their valuable experiences in countering such situations and also refine drills and procedures for joint operations wherever the need arises.

The training culminated with a 72 hours outdoor exercise in which troops of both contingents carried out drills of counter insurgency operations.

Exercise Hand-in-Hand 2019

The eighth India-China joint training exercise ‘Hand-in-Hand 2019’ with the theme “counter terrorism under United Nations mandate”was conducted at Umroi, Meghalaya from 7 to 20 December 2019. The Chinese contingent from the Tibet Military command comprising of 130 personal and the Indian Contingent of similar strength participated in the 14-day long training exercise. The exercise was planned at the company level with respective Battalion HQ controlling the training.

The aim of the exercise was to practice joint planning and conduct of counter terrorist operations in semi urban terrain. The exercise schedule was focused upon training on various lectures and drills associated with counter-terrorist handling and firing with each others’ weapons, special heliborne operations and case studies of various operations carried out in counter-terrorist environment. Two tactical exercises were held during the training; one on counter terrorism scenario and the other on Humanitarian and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations.

The exercise sent a strong signal to the world that both India and China well understood the emerging threat of terrorism and stood shoulder-to-shoulder in countering this menace plaguing the world.

Exercise Indra 2019

Exercise Indra 2019, a jointtri-services exercise between India and Russia was conducted in India from 10-19 December 2019 simultaneously at Babina (near Jhansi), Pune and Goa. Two of the world’s greatest armed forces joined hands and successfully conduct the exercise with professionalism to imbibe the best practices from each other, jointly evolve and drills to defeat the scourge of terror under the United Nation mandate.

The aim of the exercise was to enhance interoperability and develop an understanding in order to effectively tackle common security challenges.

Indra initially began as a bilateral naval exercise between the Indian and Russian Federation navies in 2003. The exercise has now assumed a tri-service scope with corresponding maturity and gradual increase in complexity and level of participation.

Company sized mechanised contingents, fighter and transport aircraft as well as ships of respective Army, Air Force and Navy participated in the exercise of ten days duration. The exercise consisted of a five-day training phase consisting of a comprehensive training curriculum.

As part of the exercise, important lectures, demonstrations and drills related to counter terrorism operations were conducted. Both the countries also shared their valuable experience in countering such situations and refine drills and procedures for joint operations.

Tactical operations end drills such as cordon house intervention, handling and neutralisation of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), prevention of arms smuggling through the sea route and anti-piracy measures were practiced. The training phase was followed by a 72 hour validation exercise. Indra 2019 culminated on 19 December with an Integrated Fire Power demonstration and the Closing Ceremony.

The esprit-de-corps and goodwill stood out during the exercise, which facilitated further strengthening of bonds between the defence forces of India and Russia.

In the second edition of Exercise Indra Russian Federation Navy (RuFN) Ships Yaroslav Mudry, Viktor Konetsky and Yel’nya took part in Indra 2019. The Naval component of the exercise was conducted off Goa from 10 to 19 December2019.

The naval component of the exercise was held in two phases. The harbour phase was held at Goa from 10 to 15 December 19 and encompass planning conferences, professional interactions, cultural visits, sports fixtures and formal calls between Flag Officers and Senior Officers of the participating navies. The Sea Phase of the exercise was conducted in the Arabian Sea from 16 to 19 December. The focus area for the exercise at sea was on Underway Replenishment, Air Defence Drills, Surface Firings, Visits Board Search and Seizure (VBSS) operations and other tactical procedures.

The Indian Navy was represented by INS Aditya, a fleet support ship and INS Tarkash, a frontline guided missile frigate. In addition, Dornier and P8I Maritime Patrol Aircraft, MiG-29K fighter aircraft and other integral rotary wing helicopters also participated in the exercise. The Indian Army fielded a Ghatak Platoon in the validation exercise on 18 December, whereas an assortment of Su-30MKI, Jaguar, Mi-17 helicopters and an Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS) aircraft participated from the Indian Air Force. 

Exercise Indra 2019 helped in strengthening mutual confidence and interoperability and also enabled sharing of best practices between the armed forces of both countires.