The Big Pharma conspiracy theory claims that the medical community in general and pharmaceutical companies in particular, especially large corporations, operate for sinister purposes and against the public good, and that they allegedly cause and worsen a wide range of diseases.
The term Big Pharma is used to refer collectively to the global pharmaceutical industry. Conspiracy theorists use the term Big Pharma for an abstract entity comprising corporations, regulators, NGOs, politicians, and often physicians, all with a finger in the trillion-dollar prescription pharmaceutical pie
Social media enables these theories to spread faster and have more staying power since it is far easier for people to construct their own version of reality through social media. Conspiracy theories are a way to try and make sense of the world that in that moment does not particularly make sense.
Four Threads
There are four threads in the Big Pharma conspiracy theory:
• There are all-natural cures for serious illnesses including cancer, herpes, arthritis, AIDS, acid reflux disease, various phobias, depression, obesity, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, attention deficit disorder, muscular dystrophy, and that these are all being deliberately hidden and suppressed from the public by the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, and the major food and drug companies.
• AIDS is not caused by HIV and that Nevirapine had been unethically administered to pregnant women in clinical trials, leading to a fatality. The resulting publicity represented a breakthrough moment for AIDS denialism.
• Big Pharma has a cure for cancer and is suppressing it so that they can maintain a profit is believed by as much as 27% of the American public according to a 2005 survey. The argument is that pharmaceutical companies are slowing down research for a comprehensive cure for cancer by developing high-profit, single-purpose treatments rather than focusing on a supposed cure-all for all cancers; however, the idea that holding back a cure would result in more profit than presenting one is not considered a very strong argument.
• Pharmaceutical companies suppress negative research about their drugs by financially pressuring researchers and journals.
Vaccine Against Covid-19
As confirmed cases of the coronavirus continue to rise, President Donald Trump has quickly embraced the pharmaceutical industry he once vilified for its high prices. The industry has jumped on the opportunity, highlighting the money it’s spent on R&D makes it prepared. Drug companies have for years contended that higher list prices are needed to help pay for important R&D. Critics have said they inflate the extent of these costs.
“Today, we are meeting with the pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies – the biggest in the world, most prestigious, the ones that get down to the bottom line very quickly,” Trump declared at a meeting with the White House Coronavirus Task Force and pharmaceutical executives, on 2 March. As the meeting closed, Trump called out J&J and Pfizer as being among the “greatest in the world,” nearly two years after his tweet that Pfizer “should be ashamed” of itself raising its prices and threatened to implement a drug pricing plan the industry was trying to stave off.
Trump signed a Bill, on 6 March, which siphoned more than $3 billion to the research and development of vaccines, as well as therapeutics and diagnostics.
“I am disappointed that Republicans folded to Big Pharma and prevented us from including a clause that would have prevented drug manufacturers from pricing a vaccine or treatment out of reach in the commercial market as well,” Rep. Jan Schakowsky, a Democrat from Illinois said in a statement when the bill passed Congress.
Pharmaceutical companies, meantime, said they do not make money in outbreaks.
Right-wing Influencers
Right-wing influencers including Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT-PhD, Republican candidate for the Massachusetts senate in USA, have been waging an information war against Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and top-ranking member of the White House’s Coronavirus Task Force. They claim that Fauci is working with Hillary Clinton and the deep state to cause an economic collapse and discredit President Donald Trump.
A leading expert on infectious diseases, Dr. Fauci was quick to caution against over-optimism of President Trump’s recommendation that patients with coronavirus be treated with an anti-malaria drug called hydroxychloroquine as a sort of “cure-all.” Despite showing some measure of efficacy, the drug has not been sufficiently tested for widespread use in hospitals throughout the United States. Conspiracy theorists believe that Dr. Fauci’s cautious recommendations were signs that he is an agent of the Deep State who wants to spread “fear porn” and undermine President Trump’s message of hope.
These theorists believe that Trump is waging a secret war against a global criminal organization, and have spent much of the Covid-19 outbreak struggling to fit the disease into their narratives. At first, they theorized the virus was a bioweapon created by former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates. Then, a sizable contingent suggested that the virus was actually a deep state hoax meant to damage Trump politically.
Dr Ayyadurai is one of the leading purveyors of the conspiracy. He tweeted: “Time to expose “Deep State” Emperor Fauci & his “illustrious” career of #FakeScience imposing “one-size-fits-all” Medieval Mandated Medicine to profit his Big Pharma minions, the expense of crashing our economy. More to come….”
Dr Shiva Ayyadurai’s Theory
Here is a sampling of what Dr Shiva Ayyadurai told Ari Whitten in a podcast on The Energy Blueprint.
“The Big Pharma Deep State is evil. They need to be completely destroyed and annihilated. Sometimes you have to destroy before you can create.
“The entire medical model of Big Pharma is designed that they don’t want a simple solution. What about sunlight? Well, that’s too simple. What about green leafy vegetables? Oh, that’s too simple. What about vitamin A, D, and C?
“HIV does not cause AIDS. There’s millions of people with HIV, they’re not dying. 70% of Zambia, I believe has HIV….It’s not true. What happens is the viruses are constantly coming in and out of our body, every instant, every millisecond, our body knows how to process it or we wouldn’t exist.

“What is the problem is a dysfunctional, weakened immune system caused by poor choices and infrastructure where we have dirty air, dirty water, dirty food. The lawyer, lobbyists, politicians and the deep state of Big Pharma has no intention of fixing that. That’s what this is about.
“You’re looking at an environment now where we have a set of people who think they know better than everyone. In my opinion, it’s a web and I think all of this will come out, but the issue is, we should all get it out sooner. It’s the Gates Foundation. It’s Clinton Global Initiative, it’s Fauci, it’s the CDC, WHO, and China. These entities have made an unholy alliance against working people throughout the world who are starting to dissent before this. If you think about in Wuhan province, there were massive protests, which no one wants to talk about, anti-pollution protests, Hong Kong was blowing up.
“It’s all right before you and the fundamental goal here is a deep state Big Pharma. Next year, this time, their goal is “Hey, I want to get my license.” “Really? You need to get your vaccines.” “Hey, I want to go into a gym.” “Where are your vaccines.”
“It’s a Big Big Pharma deep state model. It is entirely intended to make trillions of dollars. That’s what we’re looking at not billions, trillions. They would crash the US economy forcing us to print $6 trillion so they, every year can get a recurring revenue of $7 trillion because imagine 7.2 billion people now having to pay, let’s say per capita about 1,000 bucks for farmers vaccines, because the pharmaceutical companies are losing money, they’re failing. Their entire model of drugs is not working. People are starting to eat healthier, people are waking up. Their only conclusion is, “Jesus, we’re going to have to force vaccinate everyone, and we’re going to have to make immunization the goal.” People need to get it through their heads that the pharma companies are phenomenal marketers, just the ultimate of marketing. What we’re witnessing right here is literally a performance art piece of the highest order taking place.
“Now you project 100,000 dying [of Covid-19] because Fauci, fear-based Pharma Fauci who bases his entire existence on fake science needs big numbers. He needs big numbers….I want to ask them why they haven’t prescribed vitamin D. Why? You’ll find out because they know nothing about- They probably never even heard the word cathelicidins. They don’t even know that cathelicidins are created when you consume vitamin D and they are used to disrupt the cell membrane.
“The fact that Fauci has not talked about vitamin D, he’s not talked about vitamin A, vitamin C. Either he doesn’t care about the human body, knows nothing about it or this is not a conspiracy. I think he’s on the Leadership Council of the Gates Foundation.
“Just project yourself one year from now. Flu season comes, what do you think is going to happen? Your neighbor is going to come supporting Gestapo police coming into your home saying, “Ari, you better get vaccinated.” In fact, Denmark just passed a law that they have the right to come into your home with police and vaccinate you. What are we now? What you’re talking about is the end of freedom as we know it.
“Infectious diseases, 98% of measles were wiped away long before vaccines…What’s occurred since 1960, ’70 in this country is a destruction again of the infrastructure. How many pesticides are in our water? How many pollutants are in the air right now? Number one source of death in the world is air pollution. Dirty water, dirty air, and then dirty food. All brought to you by the same elites who control big AG and Big Pharma. That’s what they’ve done….People’s immune systems are decaying and they cannot address that fundamental issue. That’s what we should have a public emergency.
“That solution is, we need to make sure that people take care of their immune systems. It’s immune health, it’s immune health, it’s immune health. Well, how do you take care of your immune systems? Well, you have to ensure that you’re getting the right nutrients into the body for the right person at the right time. You have to make sure that the environment around you is conducive to that. That’s it. Whether it’s this virus, another virus, et cetera….I wrote to my letter to President Trump. Let’s take all the healthy people, make sure their vitamin D and A levels are proper and I recommended what I would do. The second level is immuno-compromised. Those people need a good booster of D and A, vitamin D and A, and support. Then you take the people who actually have Covid-19 and give them a nice high dosage to protect them from any virus. Then the people who are in critical care in the ICUs, they should get those protocols but they should all be getting 100 grams unless they have some really serious dysfunction of vitamin C and drip.
“This is not a conspiracy theory, when China has 200 million cameras. When we’re installing cameras everywhere that can read your lips, what freedom do you actually have?
“I’ll end with this, when the British came to India you know what they did? Indians used to produce the most amazing textiles, weavers, mills. You know what they did? They stopped manufacturing in India, shut down those people. In fact, there’s a story where they cut the thumbs of 5,000 weaver’s and they moved all of that to England, Manchester, England. Well think about what’s happened in the United States, we’ve moved all of our manufacturing to China.
“Are we entering into a state capitalist environment? 10 people merge with the government, control everyone else. That’s what Bill Gates wants. That’s what Mark Zuckerberg wants. That’s what Hillary Clinton wants. They do not want people from below thinking for themselves. That’s what this is all about. This has nothing to do with a virus.”
Some credence must be attached to the claims of a Massachusetts Institute of Technology alumini (BS, MS, MEng, PhD) especially since he is a Republican candidate for the 2020 elections to senate. Yet, his claim to be the “inventor of email”, based on the electronic mail software called “Email” he wrote as a New Jersey high school student in the late 1970s, has been controversial. Ayyadurai also gained recognition for two reports: the first questioning the working conditions of India’s largest scientific agency; the second questioning the safety of genetically modified soybeans.
But there is no denying that as the cornavirus does more harm, spreads illness, death and catastrophe around the world, virtually no economic sector has been spared from harm. Yet amid the mayhem from the global pandemic, one industry is not only surviving, it is profiting handsomely – Pharma.
Some of the criticism against harma companies is justified. They view Covid-19 as a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity. The world needs pharmaceutical products, of course. Dozens of companies are now vying to make them.
The ability to make money off of pharmaceuticals is already uniquely large in the U.S., which lacks the basic price controls other countries have. During the current crisis, pharmaceutical makers may have even more leeway than usual because of language industry lobbyists inserted into an $8.3 billion coronavirus spending package, passed on 6 March, to maximize their profits from the pandemic.